Everywhere we look we are surrounder by radiators. Home’s and commercial office spaces across the world are home to our affectionate source of warmth.
View the FlashRads range.
Home range Commercial range Bespoke rangeNow comes the fun part. FlashRads come in a range of styles, patterns, detailing and lighting options meaning your radiator will add an air of uniqueness to your home.
Choose a style
Choose a front style pattern from our designer pattern range; oblique, morse, wave and aqua, There is also an option to create a bespoke design of your choice.
Choose a pattern
Choose a radiator style to suit your living space from our vertical designer, horizontal designer and children’s ranges.
Choose an edge detail
Choose from a selection of edge detailing to add the perfect finish to your radiator:Choose a finish detail
Choose from a wide range of fantastic finish options to suit your environment and tastes ranging from full powder coat finishes in matt, satin or gloss in a comprehensive range of colours, We also supply metallic paint finishes allowing high polish edges to stand out, available in a wide range of colours.
Choose a lighting option
Choose from the two lighting options, white light on and off or full colour lighting with touch controller which also allows settings from auto fast change to slow mood glow lighting.